Versions Compared


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  1. Edit Confluence page, add HTML Macro for Confluence or Advanced Macro for Confluence to your page


  1. The macro editor will be opened. Copy & paste below code to the macro and adjust it based on your requirement.

Code Block

<div id="group-audit-container\">\n
    <form class=\"aui\" style=\"margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;\" onsubmit=\"return false;\" >\n
        <label for=\"groupName\">Select Group: </label>\n
        <select id=\"groupName\" class=\"select\">\n
            <option value=\"1\">administrators</option>\n
            <option value=\"2\">site-admins</option>\n
            <option value=\"3\">confluence-users</option>\n
        <button id=\"fetchGroupDetails\" class=\"aui-button\">Fetch Group Details</button>\n
        <div id=\"groupDetails\" style=\"margin-top: 20px; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 10px;\"></div>\n

\n    fetchGroups();\n
    async function fetchGroups(){\n\n

        let groups = [];\n
        let url = `/rest/api/group`;\n

                const response = await AP.request({\n
                    url: url,            \n
                    type: \"GET\",\n
                    contentType: \"application/json\"\n

                let data = JSON.parse(response.body);\n\n

                if (!data.results || data.results.length === 0) {\n

                groups = groups.concat(data.results);\n
                url =;        

\n\n            } catch (error) {\n
                console.error(\"Error:\", error);\n
                url = undefined;\n
\n        }\n\n

        //console.log(groups);\n\n        if(if(groups.length === 0){\n            //alert(\"No
groups found\");\n            return;\n

        const groupSelect = document.getElementById(\"groupName\");\n
        groupSelect.innerHTML = \"\"; // Clear existing options\n\n

        groups.forEach(group => {\n
            const option = document.createElement(\"option\");\n
            option.value =;\n
            option.textContent =;\n

\n\n    async function fetchGroupMembers(groupId) {\n
        const groupDetailsDiv = document.getElementById(\"groupDetails\");\n
        groupDetailsDiv.textContent = \"Fetching group details...\";\n\n

        let groupMembers = [];\n
        let url = `/rest/api/group/${groupId}/membersByGroupId`;\n\n


            try {\n
                const response = await AP.request({\n
                    url: url,            \n
                    type: \"GET\",\n
                    contentType: \"application/json\"\n

                if (response.xhr.status !== 200) {\n
                    throw new Error(`Error fetching group members: ${response.statusText}`);\n

                let data = JSON.parse(response.body);\n\n

                if (!data.results || data.results.length === 0) {                \n

                groupMembers = groupMembers.concat(data.results);\n
                url =;             \n\n

            } catch (error) {\n
                console.error(\"Error:\", error);\n
                groupDetailsDiv.textContent = \"Failed to fetch group members. Check the console for details.\";\n
                url = undefined;\n

        if (groupMembers.length === 0) {\n
            //groupDetailsDiv.textContent = \"No members found for this group.\";\n
            //return;\n            if(groupId
== 1){       }

       \n // Build and display the table
        let groupMemberstable = `
[\n                <table class="aui" border="1" style="width: 100%; border-collapse:  {\ncollapse;">
       \"displayName\": \"John Doe\",\n       <tr>
                \"emailAddress\": \"\"\n    <th></th>                

        for (const member of groupMembers) {

            let img = `${member.emailAddress}?s=32&d=identicon`;
            img = member.profilePicture?.path;
            if (!img) {
                img = `${member.emailAddress}?s=32&d=identicon`;
                    img = `${AP._hostOrigin}/${img}`;
            table += `
                            <td><img style="width:32px; hight:32px;" src="${img}" alt="Avatar"></td>
                            <td>${member.emailAddress || "N/A"}</td>                            

        table += "</tbody></table>";
        groupDetailsDiv.innerHTML = table;

    document.getElementById("fetchGroupDetails").addEventListener("click", () => {
        const groupId = document.getElementById("groupName").value.trim();

        if (!groupId) {
            alert("Please select a group.");



  1. Publish your page and see the result:

Advanced html
{"htmlContent":"\n<div id=\"group-audit-container\">\n    <form class=\"aui\" style=\"margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;\" onsubmit=\"return false;\" >\n        <label for=\"groupName\">Select Group: </label>\n        <select id=\"groupName\" class=\"select\">\n            <option value=\"1\">administrators</option>\n            <option value=\"2\">site-admins</option>\n            <option value=\"3\">confluence-users</option>\n        </select>\n        <button id=\"fetchGroupDetails\" class=\"aui-button\">Fetch Group Details</button>\n        <div id=\"groupDetails\" style=\"margin-top: 20px; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 10px;\"></div>\n    </form>\n</div>\n\n<script>\n    \n    fetchGroups();\n    async function fetchGroups(){\n\n        let groups = [];\n        let url = `/rest/api/group`;\n        while(url){\n\n            try{\n                const response = await AP.request({\n                    url: url,            \n                    type: \"GET\",\n                    contentType: \"application/json\"\n                });\n\n                let data = JSON.parse(response.body);\n\n                if (!data.results || data.results.length === 0) {\n                    break;\n                }\n\n                groups = groups.concat(data.results);\n                url =;        \n\n            } catch (error) {\n                console.error(\"Error:\", error);\n                url = undefined;\n            }   \n        }\n\n        //console.log(groups);\n\n        if(groups.length === 0){\n\n            fetchGroupMembers(1); // Hardcoded group members for testing\n            //alert(\"No groups found\");\n            return;\n        }\n\n        const groupSelect = document.getElementById(\"groupName\");\n        groupSelect.innerHTML = \"\"; // Clear existing options\n\n        groups.forEach(group => {\n            const option = document.createElement(\"option\");\n            option.value =;\n            option.textContent =;\n            groupSelect.appendChild(option);\n        });\n    }\n    \n\n    async function fetchGroupMembers(groupId) {\n        const groupDetailsDiv = document.getElementById(\"groupDetails\");\n        groupDetailsDiv.textContent = \"Fetching group details...\";\n\n        let groupMembers = [];\n        let url = `/rest/api/group/${groupId}/membersByGroupId`;\n\n        while(url){\n\n            try {\n                const response = await AP.request({\n                    url: url,            \n                    type: \"GET\",\n                    contentType: \"application/json\"\n                });\n\n                if (response.xhr.status !== 200) {\n                    throw new Error(`Error fetching group members: ${response.statusText}`);\n                }\n\n                let data = JSON.parse(response.body);\n\n                if (!data.results || data.results.length === 0) {                \n                    break;\n                }\n\n                groupMembers = groupMembers.concat(data.results);\n                url =;             \n\n            } catch (error) {\n                console.error(\"Error:\", error);\n                groupDetailsDiv.textContent = \"Failed to fetch group members. Check the console for details.\";\n                url = undefined;\n            }\n        }\n\n        if (groupMembers.length === 0) {\n            //groupDetailsDiv.textContent = \"No members found for this group.\";\n            //return;\n            if(groupId == 1){ // Hardcoded group members for testing              \n                groupMembers = [\n                    {\n                        \"displayName\": \"John Doe\",\n                        \"emailAddress\": \"\",\n                        \"profilePicture\": {\n                            \"path\": \"\"\n                        }\n                    },\n                    {\n                        \"displayName\": \"Jane Smith\",\n                        \"emailAddress\": \"\",\n                        \"profilePicture\": {\n                            \"path\": \"\"\n                        }\n                    },\n                    {\n                        \"displayName\": \"Alice Brown\",\n                        \"emailAddress\": \"\",\n                        \"profilePicture\": {\n                            \"path\": \"\"\n                        }\n                    }\n                ];\n            }\n       },\n     else if(groupId == 2){\n            {\n    groupMembers = [\n                  \"displayName\": \"Jane Smith\", {\n                        \"emailAddressdisplayName\": \"janeĢ€@example.comBob Johnson\",\n                    },\n                    {\"emailAddress\": \"\",\n                        \"displayNameprofilePicture\": \"Alice Brown\",\n{\n                            \"emailAddresspath\": \"alice@example.com\"\n                        }\n                   ]; },\n            }\n        {\n     else if(groupId == 2){\n                groupMembers = [\"displayName\": \"Charlie White\",\n                    {    \"emailAddress\": \"\",\n                        \"displayNameprofilePicture\": \"Bob Johnson\",\n{\n                            \"emailAddresspath\": \"\"\"\n                        },\n                    {}\n                ];\n         \"displayName\": \"Charlie White\",\n   }\n            else{\n                 \"emailAddress\": \"\"\groupMembers = [\n                    }{\n                ];\n        \"displayName\":    }\"David Black\",\n            else{\n            \"emailAddress\": \"\",\n   groupMembers = [\n                   \"profilePicture\": {\n                            \"displayNamepath\": \"David Black\",\"\n                        \"emailAddress\": \"\"\ }\n                    }\n                ];\n            }\n        }\n\n        // Build and display the table\n        let table = `\n                <table class=\"aui\" border=\"1\" style=\"width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse;\">\n                <thead>\n                <tr>\n                    <th></th>                \n                    <th>Name</th>\n                    <th>Email</th>\n                </tr>\n                </thead>\n                <tbody>\n                `;\n\n        for (const member of groupMembers) {\n\n            let img = `${member.emailAddress}?s=32&d=identicon`;\n            img = member.profilePicture?.path;\n            if (!img) {\n                img = `${member.emailAddress}?s=32&d=identicon`;\n            }\n            else{\n                if(!img.startsWith(\"http\")){\n                    img = `${AP._hostOrigin}/${img}`;\n                }\n            }\n            table += `\n                        <tr>\n                            <td><img style=\"width:20px32px; hight:20px32px;\" src=\"${img}\" alt=\"Avatar\"></td>\n                            <td>${member.displayName}</td>\n                            <td>${member.emailAddress || \"N/A\"}</td>                            \n                        </tr>\n                        `;\n        }\n\n        table += \"</tbody></table>\";\n        groupDetailsDiv.innerHTML = table;\n    }\n\n    document.getElementById(\"fetchGroupDetails\").addEventListener(\"click\", () => {\n        const groupId = document.getElementById(\"groupName\").value.trim();\n\n        if (!groupId) {\n            alert(\"Please select a group.\");\n            return;\n        }\n\n        fetchGroupMembers(groupId);\n    });\n\n    \n\n</script>"}